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Gastronomy, holidays & weekends guide in Overseas

Cassave - Gastronomy, holidays & weekends guide in Overseas

Cassave or kassav is a round cake made from manioc flour, based on a very old recipe. This type of thick pancake is made with couac, a flour obtained by grating manioc. Once the batter is made, it is dried, kneaded, flattened and cooked very quickly on both sides so the cassave remains nice and soft. Its high starch content means that it becomes solid in just a few minutes!

While cassave is often used as an edible plate, it can also be eaten like bread with a spread or sauce. It can also be stuffed with avocado féroce, guava paste or coconut jam. Original cassave is eaten with no filling.

In Guadeloupe, you can visit a kassav factory (kassaverie) in Capesterre-Belle-Eau, where kassavs and many other manioc products are made using traditional methods.

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